Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Diane Ravitch review of Finnish Lessons

Within the past 24 hours a review of Finnish Lessons by Diane Ravitch has been posted on the New York Review of Books Web Site.  This article summarizes the struggle education in the US is facing.

This is the first of two articles that Dr. Ravitch will be writing for the Review.  Here are the last two paragraphs of this article, setting the stage for the second article about Teach for America as compared to the Finnish model:
Sahlberg recognizes that Finland stands outside what he refers to as the “Global Education Reform Movement,” to which he appends the apt acronym “GERM.” GERM, he notes, is a virus that has infected not only the United States, but the United Kingdom, Australia, and many other nations. President George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind law and President Barack Obama’s Race to the Top program are examples of the global education reform movement. Both promote standardized testing as the most reliable measure of success for students, teachers, and schools; privatization in the form of schools being transferred to private management; standardization of curriculum; and test-based accountability such as merit pay for high scores, closing schools with low scores, and firing educators for low scores.

In contrast, the central aim of Finnish education is the development of each child as a thinking, active, creative person, not the attainment of higher test scores, and the primary strategy of Finnish education is cooperation, not competition. I will consider the Teach for America organization—the subject of Wendy Kopp’s A Chance to Make History—in comparison to the Finnish model in a second article.

—This is the first of two articles.  That second article was published online 3/2/12.  It is titled: How, and How Not, to Improve the Schools .  It is about facts regarding Teach for America that are less shared in the media.