Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dallas ISD 2012-13 Budget Chart

The chart below was made from data taken from the 2012/13 Dallas ISD budget proposal, version 4.1, that can be found at http://www.dallasisd.org/Page/14765 with one correction as noted at bottom of chart. The last column in the chart is the percentage of the students in any single high school who are on the free or reduced lunch program, recognized as a general indicator of the poverty level in a school. Notice how the poverty level generally rises as the number of students per teacher rises, generally due to the magnet schools wherein there are more teachers available to the students. 

If this and other issues are of concern to you, please attend the budget meetings that are happening all over Dallas this week, or just send an email with your question to the addresses given: notifybudget@dallasisd.org or to jaterry@dallasisd.org.
Dallas ISD High Schools and the correlation between
students per teacher and poverty

Right-click on above chart to enlarge and/or print.
Why do the schools with fewer students living in poverty have fewer students per teacher than high poverty schools with generally over 80% of students living in poverty?  Should not students from poverty receive more teacher time and attention, and not less, as appears to be happening in the 2012/13 Budget?