Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Dallas ISD 2013-14 CEI Scores & Teacher Resignations

This is a chart made from 2013-14 Dallas ISD Classroom Effectiveness Indices (CEI) scores on 8,139 teachers.  They are separated to compare the 6,385 teachers who remained with DISD, 78.5% of those with CEI scores, with the 1,754, or 21.5%, who have left DISD:
DISD Teachers & 2013-14 CEI Scores 
The 21.5% of 8,139 teachers with CEI scores from 2013-14 who have left DISD includes 724 teachers who had above average CEI scores.  

Notice: the average of the CEI scores were only 2 percentage points different when you compare teachers who left with the teachers who remained! The quality of the average teacher does not appear to be going up fast enough to make up for the experience being lost each year.  This turnover documents the central crisis in DISD.

I am very willing to share this CEI data with anyone who wants to study it more.  It does NOT have names or schools so as to protect teacher confidentiality.  It only has year of the CEI score and if that person is separated or still with DISD.  The data goes back to 2011-2012.   The above chart is only for the most recent year available.   Email me at and ask for ORR#13743.  (Open Records Request #)

Addendum on CEI variation:

The chart below shows how CEI scores, while generally consistent over time, tend to average toward the mean.  While high scores tend to stay high, and low scores stay low, the averages tend to move toward the mean.  The highest scores go lower over 10 points on average and the lowest scores go higher by over 16 points on average.  This chart is designed around the 2012-13 scores which are therefore the extremes in this chart.

Reliability of Dallas ISD Classroom Effectiveness Indices (CEI) in predicting future CEI
This indicates there is some level of validity to the CEI scores.  It also indicates the weakness of the CEI score.  It is only a general indicator of the quality of a teacher.  Many other variables must be included to affirm consistency.