The 10-28-15 vote of 8 members of the Dallas City Council to move a 30-truck-per-hour Argos cement facility to less than 300 feet UPWIND from Edison Middle School is another reflection of the racism in Dallas. Can anyone find such a facility this close to any school in the U.S., especially one that is also Anglo majority? Edison is surrounded by documented pollution with the RSR Smelter to the west and the GAF Roofing factory to the east.
The 8 council members supported this move are being confronted. Some of them are now having doubts. We must protect the children of West Dallas. Call your Dallas City Council Person at 214-670-4050. The record of environmental abuse in West Dallas must stop.
Argos Cement Plant West Dallas move approved 10-28-15 |
Please congratulate your city council member if they voted against this move, or ask to visit with them as to why they voted for this continued abuse of the people of West Dallas. Do they know of any similar facility within 300 feet of a school anywhere in Texas or in the nation?
Please share the above poster online with everyone you know in Dallas.