At the DISD School Board meeting on 4-28-16 the 8 remaining trustees voted 5 to 3 to purchase a $44 million building at 9400 North Central Expressway as Administrative Offices. This had only been made public within a week of the board meeting and the only testimony at the meeting was against it, by me. I gave copies of the following map to the trustees to document how this is a move away from the children. That was apparently not important except to the three trustees who represented far south Dallas and the schools that would simply all be 6 miles more distant from DISD Headquarters.
Dallas ISD Map with Schools and IR/FIR schools indicated along with new headquarters |
The body language by the 5 trustees who voted for this purchase, two of which this was their lasts meeting, was very negative toward the majority of DISD parents who will now be more distant from DISD Headquarters.
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