Number DISD teachers with 0 years with DISD: | 1866 | |
Number DISD teachers with 1 year with DISD: | 1477 | |
Number with 2 | 779 | |
Number with 3 | 294 | |
Number with 4 | 352 | |
Number with 5 | 255 | |
Number with 6 | 376 | |
Number with 7 | 535 | |
Number with 8 | 472 | |
Number with 9 | 358 | |
Number with 10 | 310 | |
Number with 11 | 278 | |
Number with 12 | 328 | |
Number with 13 | 334 | |
Number with 14 | 262 | |
Number with 15 | 204 | |
Number with 16 | 179 | |
Number with 17 | 150 | |
Number with 18 | 168 | |
Number with 19 | 131 | |
Number with 20 | 129 | |
Teachers with 21 years or more with DISD | 938 | |
Total with number of years given | 10,175 | |
NULL | 21 | |
#N/A | 1 | |
Total number of teachers as of 8-18-14 | 10,197 |
Notice that 32.8% of all teachers have either no experience within DISD (1,866) or have only one year with DISD (1,477). These two numbers represent 32.8% of all teachers within DISD. We have not yet found any school district with almost 1/3 of all teachers having one year or less of tenure with the district.
Research is consistent in finding that new teachers are the least effective teachers. "Teachers in their first three years do a less satisfactory job than they will with more experience." Such sentences in academic research are not news, but look at the chart below and notice that DISD now has the highest percentage of teachers in their first three years in history!
Over 40% of teachers in DISD, 4,122 total, have been with DISD for two years or less, however they may have more years teaching than their years with DISD reflect. (This is from the above chart.)
The chart below is centered on experience as a teacher as reflected on about page 17 in each of the annual Data Packets posted at the end of each summer for planning purposes for the new school year as linked here. This is not just time with DISD as had to be used above. (I do not understand why DISD could not respect my open records request for teaching experience for teachers on the payroll as of 8-18-14. We debated that request back and forth by email until I gave up so as to receive the above data.)
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History of tenure teaching among DISD teachers as reflected in annual planning documents. From DISD Annual Data Packets under Statistics at: |
Sadly I can find nowhere in the news, or by observation of DISD Trustee meetings, that DISD administrative staff and leadership are showing any concern whatsoever about this destructive staff turnover. What efforts are being taken to stop teacher turnover from growing?
DISD Administration claimed they started the school year with only 16 vacancies. A week ago there were about 125 teacher positions posted as vacant and open for filling on the DISD web site. Today there are 184 positions posted. See . Will this number continue to grow or will DISD be able to hire teachers fast enough to replace the teachers who are now reported as leaving out of frustration?
How many DISD teachers have been resigning each school day? Since DISD claimed only 16 vacancies as of 8-18-14, and there are as of 10-31-14 over 200 vacancies posted on the DISD web site, and from 8-19-14 to 10-31-14, DISD hired an additional 375 teachers. On the average school day since school has started 12 DISD teachers have resigned! This is not at the end of the school year, but during the school year!