Thursday, November 6, 2014

A pivotal question for DISD history

Hopefully this question will be guiding the current meeting in progress for the DISD Trustees, but with a logical decision coming from their work. 

What evidence exists of "substantive steps in good faith" being taken by Mr. Miles before he lost 5,000 teachers who have now left DISD since he arrived, the largest loss of talent in DISD history?  Has Mr. Miles ever expressed concern about this loss?  What "substantive steps in good faith" were taken before dozens of PTA's dissolved until DISD now has what is probably the smallest percentage of schools in DISD history with functional PTA's actively in operation?  Has Mr. Miles expressed concern about the loss of PTA's and active relationships with parents by DISD?
11:30 update   - The 11-6-14 DISD Board meeting discussing this issue just ended.  No action was taken against anyone other than a request for investigation sent to TEA, the Texas Education Agency, to both verify facts and secure an attorney generals opinion about the right of a trustee to be on school property and the right of a superintendent to deny that right.   There is precise wording given to all of this tonight I do not recall. 

It appears to me to have been a solid meeting with good cooperation resulting in a unanimous decision for this request to TEA.   These were good steps that will ultimately lead to the resolution of this issue.meeting just ended.  No action was taken against anyone other than a request for investigation sent to TEA, the Texas Education Agency, to both verify facts and secure an attorney generals opinion about the right of a trustee to be on school property and the right of a superintendent to deny that right.   There is precise wording given to all of this tonight I do not recall. 

It appears to me to have been a solid meeting with good cooperation resulting in a unanimous decision for this request to TEA.   These were good steps that will ultimately lead to the resolution of this issue.

It appears to have been a solid DISD Board meeting with good cooperation resulting in a unanimous decision for this request to TEA.   These were good steps that could ultimately lead to the resolution of the ongoing crisis within DISD.   DISD must return to the progress that was happening until July of 2012.