Monday, November 3, 2014

Data Dallas ISD does not want to advertise

On 8-14-14 DISD published the following CORE Network News for DISD. It included a graph documenting the increased speed with which teacher vacancies were being filled. 

CAPE Network News for 8-14-14
Click on above image to enlarge.
The Cape Network news only gave a graph underlining the increased speed with which they are now able to fill teacher vacancies in DISD.  It failed to provide additional information as to how turnover has gone up over 120% and the number of new teachers teaching their first year as a teacher has increased over 150% in the past 2 years.    See this edited copy of the graph from the CORE Network News that provides a more accurate image of the crisis being inflicted on Dallas ISD students.

Edited copy of DISD teacher vacancy graph showing the rest of the story
of the Dallas ISD growing crisis in teacher turnover.

Click on above image to enlarge.

When the numbers are compared across time you can see the number first year teachers has gone from 460 a year to 1,285 a year in just 3 years.  The percent of teacher turnover has gone from 12.9% to 28.5%, well over a 120% increase.   

Remember, these are last years numbers.  The numbers for 2014/15 are slowly being gathered and appear to be growing.  
It has now been verified that the 2014/15 school year started with 1/3 of DISD teachers having one year or less with the district!  Since the school year started over 200 more teachers have already resigned as of today.  The highest percentage of teachers leaving came from the record number of new teachers hired by DISD this summer.